Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Little Sketchy

Anyone who has been around the Marine Wounded Warriors for any length of time knows Chuck Sketch. He is literally the poster child for the Marine Corps Trials. At opportune moments, someone yells, "Hey, Chuck, give us one!" and Chuck lets out a very loud bark for all to appreciate.

He was not injured in combat, but was ravished by cancer. While on leave, doctors found a large brain tumor that was growing rapidly. He first lost his eyesight to the creeping disease and then both legs to blood clots. Now in remission, Chuck is rascally as ever.

Chuck participated in cycling (with a partner) and shooting (guided by beeps that told him if he was on target).

He was also one of our swimmers and had to touch the lane line every time his right arm entered the water in order to swim straight. How did he know where the wall was? He counted his strokes.

His Dad was his attendant and dutifully rolled him up to his lane before his events. Chuck would slide out of his wheelchair and scoot over to the edge of the pool and plop in. Ready to race. Ready to overcome.

Chuck was one of the 50 Marines selected to participate in the Wounded Warrior games in May. I hope he 'gives them one!'

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